Thursday, March 31, 2011

April Fool's Day Fun from the past

With April Fool's Day coming up tomorrow, I am starting to wonder what little tricks to put up my sleeve...

Here are some ideas we have done in past years...all inspired by Family Fun...

I always start by sneaking into their rooms while they are still asleep and drawing on eyeliner moustaches...this is becoming trickier as they get older, though.

For Breakfast:

We have frozen water in cereal bowls (about half full) overnight and then placed a thin layer of cereal on top.  The kids were so excited to get sugar cereal for breakfast (sugared cereal is  a HUGE treat around here ;) )...only to discover that in fact, they were only getting a very thin "layer" of cereal.

Another year, we tried the "turn the milk blue" trick, which involves putting a few drops of blue food coloring in the bottom of the cereal bowl and covering it with cereal.  When the kids pour the milk, it magically turns blue!  They loved this one.

For Lunch:

I always put a gummy worm in their apples.
Last year, I saved a MacDonald's wrapper from lunch a few days before.  MacDonald's is also a huge treat in our family because we are more health food inclined, but my oldest had somehow convinced me to buy them a burger and since I had this trick in the back of my mind, I consented.  They were so excited when I told them they were having MacDonald's again for that PB&J sandwich that was hiding inside the wrapper was a huge let-down.  All this trickery can be quite disappointing sometimes ;)

For Dinner:

We have made meat loaf cupcakes (dyeing the potato pink with beet juice) and served grilled cheese sandwiches for dessert (yellow cake with yellow frosting).

We have also made meat loaf cupcakes with mashed potato and chocolate sprinkles to make it look sweet instead of savory.  For dessert, we did the "spagetti and meatballs" - with spagetti frosting, strawberry sauce pasta sauce and maltball meatballs.  I think this has been the biggest hit so far.

...what have been your best kiddy April Fool's Day tricks?

{update:  linking here }

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