Monday, February 15, 2010

Ode to President's Day

Well, more of a picture ode than anything else...

Inspired by this fun powdered wig craft, we decided to celebrate President's Day in between heated rounds of Indiana Jones Wii, by dressing up like two of our favorite presidents, namely George Washington and Abraham Lincoln (and I think they are the ones whom the holiday is for...)  Although we only got as far as the head gear.  Abe's bushy eyebrows and beard are pretty horrible replicas, and while the wig looked cute on the Bubs, it didn't really fit the oldest child and it looks more like a big marshmallow hat than anything else ...I will gladly admit that craftiness is not my strong point.  But the kids did have fun wearing the hats for a grand total of 25 seconds - and thats what really matters, right.

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