Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Recently I came across the following quote from a book called 1 (How many people does it take to make a difference?) by Dan Zadra, Kobi Yamada via Deb_S Photographs on Flickr.

image via Amazon

"one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself or anyone else is inspiration. inspiration to get in touch with your dreams. inspiration to see out your deepest passions. inspiration to make a difference in the world, a difference that only you can make. this is not a book about success; it's a book about significance. it's not a book about making a living; it's a book about making a life. it's not about fame or acclaim; it's about contribution and service. instead of asking, 'what can i get from life?'. watch what happens when you ask, 'what can i give?'"
It sounds intriguing and a good one to start the year off with.  While others may have a few books under their belt by now, my grand total of books read this year is a big nada...need to get back to my Book Club - its the only way I make time to read these days, although last year my track record of actually reading the books was terrible.  So I shall add to my list of resolutions:  read more! And this book is on my list... as well as the first book, called 5 (Where will you be 5 years from now?)  by Dan Zadra, Kristel Will.

image via Amazon


  1. Oh I love this...wouldn't they be perfect for a play room?! Thank you for your kind comment today.

    You know when your nervous to hit the publish button? I was so nervous on that post. So thank you.
    Look forward to seeing you around!

  2. I didn't even think of it for a play room - that would be awesome...you guys are always full of the great ideas!!!)
