Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Gift Tags

I have never really bothered much with Christmas gift tags - I usually buy them on sale after Christmas in big sheets for a couple of dollars.  But after reading a post about gift tags at Elle's Studio, about how each year, she decides on a gift tag theme and how each year her family and friends look forward to seeing what she has come up with, and what will be adorning their presents...I thought that was fun and I was inspired!  Not for this year, mind's just before mid-night on December 23rd - but next year I might just have to get my ducks in a row and hand make my gift tags...

Here are some fun and inspiring Christmas Tags...
1.  Polar Bear Tag - Amuse News
2.  Snowball Fight Gift Tags - Crate & Barrel
3.  Joy Tag - I have no idea where I found this - but it is so completely adorable -
hopefully I will find the source and add it later.
4.  Christmas Mitten Tags - Elle's Studio
5.  Vintage Gift Tags - Paper Source
6.  Snowman Gift Tag - Kate's Papiere
7.  Save the Date Gift Tag - Better Homes & Gardens
8.  Santa Gift Tag - Kate's Papiere
9.  Reindeer Postcard Christmas Tag - Seasonal Delights (Etsy)
10.  Christmas Holiday Gift Tags - Just Smitten (via LMNOP)
11.  Photo Tag - I have no idea where I came across this one, also. 
But it is is such a cute idea - I will try to add the Source later.
12.  Paper Stocking Gift Envelope - Martha Stewart
13.  Holiday Jumbo Tag - Eat Drink Chic
14.  Frosty Gift Tag - Better Homes & Gardens
15.  Lump of Coal Gift Box - Martha Stewart  (I love the tiny stocking gift tags - totally cute. 
And also, I would certainly not mind a lump of coal this year if it contained a pair of jumbo diamond studs ;)

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